Judges and Handlers Seminar
Presented By Larry McMurry
Region 9 Field Rep
Cost of Attending- FREE
Price of Content Discussed- PRICELESS
If you would like to learn more about judging HRC tests, how to run HRC tests, and how your being judged while you run HRC tests then you can not miss this seminar! This is seminar will be a great time learning with fellow enthusiasts of our great sport. Listed below are a few of the great topics that will be discussed in depth during this seminar.
Topics Include:
5 Desirable Traits in a Retriever
Judging Control
How to Setup and Judge Marking Tests
Plus other great information about judging and hunt tests
We look forward to seeing you and everyone else there!!!
Hotels nearby in Conway,AR and Maumelle,AR
For more information please contact
Larry McMurry